ICS Trend Collection: Elevation

ICS Trend Collection: Elevation

Welcome to our latest Trend Collection: Elevation.

When our consciousness changes, we become more enlightened, fueled with the frequency of change. Recent times spent at home during the pandemic have awoken consumers’ consciousness, helping us to reflect inwards. They are more aware about not wanting to waste things, wanting to be healthier, and wanting to live a more sustainable lifestyle, which also means supporting the use of sustainable products.​ Innovation does not necessarily mean to create the newest technical beauty product, but can be a simple adaptation to provide a more sustainable or functional packaging solution. As a result, packaging also becomes elevated and gains a new lease on life.

Introducing ICS Elevation Trend Collection for the Elevated consumer, where innovation meets simplicity and sustainability.

For more information please read our Elevation Trend Collection Booklet below or contact us.

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